의료진 응급의학과
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[경력] 2021 .06 ~ | 서울아산병원 디지털정보혁신부본부장
[경력] 2021 .03 ~ | 울산대학교 의과대학 응급의학과 교수
[학력] 2011 ~ 2013 .02 | 울산대학교 (의학 박사)
[학력] 2002 .03 ~ 2004 .02 | 울산대학교 (의학 석사)
- 학술활동
[논문] Augmented-Medication CardioPulmonary Resuscitation Trials in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a pilot randomized controlled trial 외 108편 + 더보기
[의학포스터] Electrocardiographic findings of intracranial hemorrhage as a cause of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest 외 3편 + 더보기
[저서] 스포츠의학 필드메뉴얼 1 외 3편 + 더보기
[연구발표] Correlation between Carcoal-burning Suicide Rates of National Emergency Department Information System and Suicide-Related Queries of Naver Trends in South Korea 외 12편 + 더보기